Maximize your Sales Navigator subscription.

With PhantomBuster you can source and enrich Sales Navigator leads, then export them to your favorite CRM.
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They trust us

Why PhantomBuster is the solution you need to leverage your Sales Navigator account

Easily source leads from Sales Navigator

Convert any search or list into leads
Export your leads into a CSV/Excel spreadsheet
Clear-cut guides to set up your Phantoms

Enrich your prospects with verified data

PhantomBuster Email discovery service
DropContact and Hunter integrations
97% accuracy

Sync leads with your favorite CRM

Transfer your prospects to your CRM in seconds
HubSpot and Pipedrive integrations
Gather all your leads in one spot
Saves me tons of time, and gives me an easy way to quickly develop massive lists of leads for marketing and sales outreach.

Kyan, Growth Specialist

I'm blown away by how effective it is.

Dana, VC

We use on a weekly basis for more than 6 months already. It is great for us to get data from social media profiles, which helps us in our marketing efforts.

André, Cofounder

Saves me tons of time, and gives me an easy way to quickly develop massive lists of leads for marketing and sales outreach.

Kyan, Growth Specialist

I'm blown away by how effective it is.

Dana, VC

We use on a weekly basis for more than 6 months already. It is great for us to get data from social media profiles, which helps us in our marketing efforts.

André, Cofounder

Try PhantomBuster for free today

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